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+43 676 490 5887

 out of love and passion

For art.

CheetahCraft Kunsthandel is a company founded with love and passion, dedicated to the mediation and sale of exceptional contemporary artworks. In the lovingly and atmospherically designed branch in the heart of Vienna (Fleischmarkt 18, 1010 Wien), CheetahCraft shows in the range of aesthetics of modern artworks in three exhibition rooms andenchants the Viennese art scene. 

Under the motto 'Making art visible'  CheetahCraft represents in its exhibitions a variety of talented, versatile and emerging artists and puts their wonderful artworks in the center of attention - where they belong! Whether paintings, sculptures, photo artworks or 3D wall objects - here they love the diversity of art and show it in all its facets!

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Buy art,

appreciate art.

As a passionate gallery and art dealer we see it as our concern to offer our artists the best possible support as well as to assist our customers with all our expertise. To ensure this, we also offer free consultations and viewings beyond our regular opening hours, where we activate our entire art portfolio and also our artist contacts to find a suitable work of art. However, we also invite art enthusiasts to our numerous exhibitions, vernissages and events where we celebrate the diversity of art from around the world. With champagne, music and a cozy atmosphere, this creates interesting and friendly conversations where we honor our artworks and theirs.

CheetahCraft Kunsthandel stands for worldart and for us that means art from all over the world. Both in our branch in Vienna, as well as in our online portfolio on our website, we thus represent artists from all over the world and with all kinds of backgrounds. For us, the only thing that counts is art and its aesthetics.

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art from africa

Is wolrd art.

On our travels all over the world we met numerous interesting artists and were allowed to immerse ourselves in the traditions and innovations of modern world art. Especially in the art scene of Africa we felt at home and therefore specialized in the breathtaking artworks of African artists.

In close, personal contact we thus have the honor to represent some talented artists from (primarily) Namibia and to convey their artworks to the whole world. Thus african art shows itself as worldart and inspires art lovers from all over the world!

We are

the CheetahCraft Team

Managing Director

Mag. Iveta Ehrenstrasser, MBA

Iveta CC Foto 5
Managing Director

Alexander Ehrenstrasser

Alexander CC Foto
Marketing & Communications Manager, Gallerist

Lisette Alexandra Bouin


Cyril-Marcel Zavatero

 "Creativity takes courage."

- Henri Matisse

Write us!